History of
Yuwang Plantation Sdn Bhd (537467-H) is the holding company of our oil palm plantation operations in Malaysia. Meanwhile, Yuwang Development Sdn Bhd (592990-X) is responsible for property development projects in Malaysia. Both firms were established and incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act of 1965 and their registered office can be found at No. 27A, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Banting, Selangor Darul Ehsan.


Oil Palm Plantation
Our aim is to be the top local plantation group globally, producing superior oil palm products by incorporating the best practices into our daily activities. This establishes us as a leading player in oil palm plantation in Malaysia.

Our aim is to offer functional and conveniently located properties for rent, as part of our property development efforts in Malaysia.

Property Development
Provide high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, functional, and strategically located housing developments as a property developer in Malaysia.

Investment Holding
We are a Malaysia-based investment holding company focusing on strategic property acquisitions. Our expertise and knowledge allow us to optimize holdings and achieve strong returns for investors.